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Content Report within Viewtracker

What the Viewtracker Content Report does for you

  • See the total number of views a page or blog post attracted in the page's header.

  • Click on the Viewtracker logo to display many page metrics and a graph with views and edits.

  • Select different date ranges and see the metrics and graph adapt.

  • Group the metrics in the graph by days (default), weeks, months, or years.

  • Display the metrics as a line (default), bar or area chart.

  • Use the breadcrumb in the header to switch between Content, Space and Global Report (depends on access permission).

  • In the tab "Viewers", see who viewed the page and how many times (depending on your privacy settings).

  • In the tab “Attachments”, see the number of attachments and attachment views.

  • Export the page views, edits, or attachment views.

So you spent precious time crafting an inspiring blog post or a helpful knowledge base article. Wouldn't it be cool to see how many viewers your work attracted (today, last week, since it was created)? Well, with Viewtracker, you can!

If Viewtracker is enabled globally (the default), you will see the number of views displayed on every page and every blog post. The information is displayed next to the page restrictions. This view counter can also be turned off in the app settings.

(For the sake of readability, we will write "page" instead of "page or blog post", but all options are the same with blog posts.)

Accessing the Content Report

  1. Go to the Confluence page you want to analyze.

  2. Click on the Viewtracker icon or the number of views.

    Alternatively, you can access the Content Report via the page menu:

  3. The Content Report opens as an overlay. It is divided into three tabs: Content, Viewers, and Attachments.

We will describe all metrics in the different tabs in detail.

Tab "Content"

The tab "Content" is selected by default and contains the following data:

A graph of views and edits of this page over the last 30 days.

Elements of the Content Table

The table below the graph contains the following useful metrics:

  • Views since creation: The number of this page's views since it was created.

  • Views in selected date range: The number of this page's views in the selected date range. The numbers of "Views since creation" and "Views in selected date range" will be the same if the page was created only recently.

  • Viewers: every individual user who has visited this page. Clicking on the three dots will open the tab “Viewers” (see below).

  • My views: The number of times you have viewed this page yourself.

  • Number of attachments: How many files are attached to this page?

  • Attachment views: How many times were the attachments viewed or downloaded? Clicking on the three dots will open the tab “Attachments” (see below).

  • Edits in selected date range: How many times was the page edited?

  • Contributors: How many Confluence users have contributed to the page content?

  • Page versions: The number of times a new version of this page was published.

Engaged Users

The report also contains a row with social engagement.

Engaged users: users who have commented, liked, or watched a page or blog post. With the standard privacy setting, you can see their full names and the date and time of their last visit by clicking the three dots.

Tab "Viewers"

The tab "Viewers" will show you a table of all the users who have viewed your page in the selected date range. The table is sorted by “Last viewed” and displays the last time the user has viewed this page.

Special Viewers

  • If you see "Protected Confluence Users" in the tab "Viewers", this means that the privacy setting was once set to Extended Privacy Mode.

  • If your page or blog post is open to the public, you may also see the number of anonymous users (external visitors without a Confluence log-in) here:

If the tab "Viewers" doesn't show at all, this means that the Confluence administrator has set a higher level of privacy. Read more about the modes here: Data Privacy

Tab “Attachments”

This report shows you the attachments on the page you are currently investigating. The list depends on which types of attachments the Confluence administrator has chosen to track in the global attachment settings.


  • The column “Views” lists the number of views this attachment has generated in the selected date range.

  • The column “Viewers” lists the number of viewers that have viewed or downloaded the attachment. The three dots next to that number are only displayed if the data privacy allows it. A click on the three dots opens the modal dialogue for viewers.

  • The column “Last viewed” displays the timestamp of the last attachment view or download.

Changing the date range and graph type

  • As a default, the data from the last 30 days are displayed. You can change that by clicking into the date field and selecting a different date range. All metrics will adapt automatically.

  • You can group the metrics in the graph by using “Group by” days (default), weeks, months, or years.

    Grouping metrics in the graph (drop-down menu)

    You can display the numbers as a line chart (default), bar chart, or area chart.


Choosing which metrics to display in the graph

Below the graph, there is a drop-down menu listing the available metrics. By default, “Views”, “Versions” and “Edits” are selected.
Versions are marked by a red vertical line on a specific date. A page may have various versions published on the same date. Versions are displayed as a trend line.

Select the metrics you want to appear in the graph, and the graph will adapt automatically. Viewtracker saves the metric selection; whenever you access the report in the future, the selected metrics will be displayed in the graph.


Navigating to other reports

Use the breadcrumb in the header to access the Global Report or Space Report (depending on your access permission). The Global or Space Report will open as a new tab. The date range and metric grouping selected in one report will automatically be adapted to the other reports.

The entry on the right side of the breadcrumb is the page/blog post name. Tapping the name will open the page in a new tab so you can access its content.


Breadcrumb to other reports


Exporting data

You can export the data in the Content Report at any time. See Export Viewtracker Data.

Alternative to Content Report: Page Analytics

You can display a specific page's statistics using the Page Analytics Macro. The macro can be placed on any page, so you can create dashboards with all the pages that are of special interest to you.

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